Plantar fasciitis

Last summer I got a bad case of plantar fasciitis in my right foot. Just now I'm about over it, but because I couldn't get my normal exercise I gained weight--about 20 lbs., a real bummer. No, I didn't go to see a doctor. It is easy to diagnose, a big pain upon taking the first steps in the morning right in front of the heel part of the foot. I think I got it from digging in the garden having boots on that did not support the foot.
I gave it as much rest as I could. Not easy as I take care of a 2 and 4 year old 24/7. But I think what helped the most was these clogs. I've had these for a long time, don't even remember where I got them, nearly threw them out a couple of times. But they are the best for plantar fasciitis, flat support, the sole is not real hard but not cushiony either. Trouble is it's hard to walk in clogs all the time I got blisters from them. My other foot started hurting from taking up the slack. I was a mess there for awhile. Now it hurts sometimes when I sit for a long time, or overdo the walking. I'm not sure when I will be completely back up to speed.
I didn't take any pain relievers, because that's when you really damage your foot. The pain is telling you to rest your foot and if you ignore that, you can get permanent damage, my theory anyway.
There are plenty of sites the talk about plantar fasciitis, but there are a lot of people out there who don't get relief. It would be really bad to have it in both feet. This is a comprehensive site that has about everything there is to know plus a message board. And here is a protocol for using vitamins and minerals. I do try to get a lot of Vitamin C and I got PABA to add to my B vitamins that I take every few days, but I wouldn't use such high dosages without being able to have tests or something to make sure I'm not overdosing.
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